This is 17:30 Pacific Standard Time in "winter"
and 18:30 Pacific Daylight Time in "summer".
The BC Public Service Net (sometimes called just the BC Net) got its start in the late 1940s after the Fraser River flooded its banks and Chilliwack was cut off from the rest of the province. Amateur Radio communication was vital in maintaining communications. The then Section Manager Ernie Savage, VE7FB, and Wilf Moorhouse, VE7US, called together hams who were willing to help and the BCPSN began! The following article remembers some of the silent keys that were early net control stations or ones that checked into the net. Other NetsThe BC Emergency Traffic Net (BCEN) meets year round on 3652 kHz CW at 19:00 Pacific time. The BC Northern Net meets on 3775 kHz on Sundays and Wednesdays at 02:30 UTC or 18:30 PST. The British Columbia Yukon Section Traffic Net meets daily at 02:30 UTC. That is 6:30 pm in winter and 7:30 pm in summer. The BCYTN also liaises with the RN7 on both CW and Phone. The frequency has moved from 3716 kHz to 3720 kHz. The EMBC Net meets (daily or Wednesdays?) on 3735 kHz at 02:00 UTC. The afternoon Aurora Net meets daily on 7100 kHz at 23:00 UTC. That's 15:00 PST in winter and 16:00 PDT in summer. It runs for about an hour. The evening net is Sundays at 9:30 pm Central time year round. That translates to 6:30 pm Pacific time in winter and 7:30 pm in summer.
VE7YJ SK... it is with great sadness that we had to announce that Dave Bennett, then the net manager for the BC Public Service Net, became a silent key on February 19, 2018. He will be greatly missed. A Celebration of Life for Dave was held on June 24, 2018 at the Douglas Recreation Centre, 20550 Douglas Crescent, in Langley BC. |
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Emergency Management BC (EMBC) |